Friday, June 10, 2011

Wolverhampton Wheelers - my extended family

Not long ago, during a moment of brotherly love, Alex (that's my brother) proclaimed 'your social life sucks. All you do is ride that stupid bike. You never go out anywhere!' (He can be nice sometimes) And for a very fleeting moment I considered what he said to be true as in all but one respect he is correct. I don't really go out. By out Alex means clubbing or should I say getting that rat arsed he can't remember where he was last night or what he did. And secondly, I do ride my bike a lot.

But it's where I ride my bike that led me to dismiss my brother's claims: Wolverhampton Wheeler's Cycling Club.

I am fortunate enough to have been a member of this club for the last 3 years and whilst to begin with I simply  went to ride my bike, I have come the realise that I now go to surround myself with an amazing group of people who I am fortunate to call friends.

There are far too many people to name in this blog who have enriched my life. But suffice to say there is no place I'd rather be more on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Regardless of where I am at the moment or what team colours I ride in my cycling life will always be tinted black and yellow.

So after careful consideration, I do have a social life and although not as conventional as most, it's a bloomin' good one at that.

Some of the brilliant people I know at the Wheelers

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